Understanding the campaign settings

Once your campaign is created you'll have various settings which will affect your whole campaign.

Campaign settings

1. Select the campaign (above listed as "Campaign").

2. Go to "Settings".

Campaign settings

3. Start by entering your flight dates, i.e. Start- and End date for your campaign.

4. This part displays the available media channels (SSPs) through which the campaign is going to be delivered. For more information on available inventory from each media channel, please contact your local Delta representative.

5. The "Active" slide button toggles if your campaign is active. I.e. in the screenshot it is set to "Off" and when you publish the campaign with this option is will be published as a paused campaign.

6. Set the campaign budget. Your budget should be based on your currency or total impressions. If You choose impressions the campaign will deliver the impressions without taking currency budget into consideration.

7. Optional: When leaving Order ID blank we will generate an Order ID for you. Or you can specify your own order ID that will be present on your invoice.

8. Country: Which country your campaign is going to run in. I.e. in the screenshot the setting is set to "Sweden" and when the campaign is live it will target browsers in Sweden.

9. Delivery Curves: By default "Time Adjusted Delivery" is activated, which means the system will create a delivery curve that delivers the campaign based on how many impressions are available throughout a day and reserves budget for hours were there is more impressions available. "Adaptive Delivery" resets the delivery curve to match a change in budget or campaign end date. Meaning the delivery curve will be adapted to a change or if your bidding plans run without "Smooth Delivery".

Please note that all changes made must be Published in order to have affect.

Next step: Setting up your Bidding Plans

Now that you have entered your campaign settings you can proceed to setup your Bidding Plans.

Last modified: Tue Aug 07 2018 15:35:08 GMT+0200 (CEST)

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