How to set up Tracking - DMP

What is tracking? Sometimes you hear about activities called "on boarding". This typically refers to when you are mapping up browsers that you have an interest of advertising towards in the future. Browsers are mapped up from client specific operations. This could be such things as pixel tracking on the advertisers website, CRM integrations, collecting browsers when buying an audience from a publisher – or similar types of activities. The common purpose is to mark up browsers with the purpose to target them with advertisement in the future. The marked up browsers are grouped according to the requirement of our clients and available for targeting through Delta DSP.

Delta DMP is offered as a closed environment for client specific user-data (data owned or paid for by the advertiser), this means that no other client have access to these browsers.

1. How to activate a Tracking Account for a Client

Activate Tracking

  1. Select Client.

  2. Enter the "Tracking"-module.

  3. Click on "Activate Tracking" and the Tracking Account will be set up.

2. How to download Tracking Scripts

Download Tracking script

  1. Go to the "Settings"-tab.

  2. Click on the "Download Tracker Script" button in order to download the script. You will get a Text-file containing the script. Which you send to the person responsible for the implementation on the site.

The script can be implemented as is without any changes necessary and you'd want the script to be implemented on the Master page or Template of the site.

For more technical in depth information on each of our trackers, please see the following documation for our Page View, Order and Product View scripts.

Next step: How to create portfolios and campaigns

Now that you have set up your tracking you can proceed to create your portfolios and then start creating your campaign.

Last modified: Tue Aug 07 2018 15:35:08 GMT+0200 (CEST)

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