Tracking units tab

In this section you can add and edit your tracking units. This is a way for you to seperate your targeting groups, depending on where your vistors have been on your site. You can then use these units to set up different strategies in your campaigns later on.

  1. In the left area you have your "Tracking Units". You can create them by clicking the "+" in the bottom left of that area. Name the Tracking Unit to your liking by double clicking the randomized name that is given upon creation.
  2. In the middle area you can set up what rules you'd like to apply to the tracking unit. You can choose to match on "Equals", "Contains", "Begins with", "Ends with". Create new rules by clicking the "+" in the bottom left of that area.
  3. In the right area you will see the result example matches while you're editing your rules. Please note that these are only example matches. All entries will not necessarily be displayed, but we will still collect data here if your rule fits the value.

Tracking units tab

Please note that the audience collected on the tracking units will be collected from the moment you create the tracking unit. This is not made retroactive.

Last modified: Tue Aug 07 2018 15:35:08 GMT+0200 (CEST)

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    No results matching ""