Optimizing towards CPO / CPL / CPA

When setting up the campaign it is worth to keep in mind that the more rules you add, under "Audience" and "Media" for each Bidding Plan, the inventory that the campaign is able to access will decrease. This will then limit your possibility of doing optimizations. And for doing optimizations it is best practice to be able to access as much of the available inventory as possible and to have as many formats as possible.

A few things to keep in mind when optimizing towards CPO:

  • Here you wish to aim for as many orders as possible for the budget you spend.
  • Therefore you should aim to spend the budget on where the orders are seen.
  • And different combinations of formats and device will perform better than others.

To begin optimizing your campaign towards CPO we've gathered some step by step recommendations here to get you started. When following the below recommendations, please wait at least an hour, or even a full day in-between, to see the results before moving on to the next step.

Step by step

1. Work with activities:

  • To increase your reach for VT orders.
  • Towards retargeting to boost CT/VT orders.

2. Lower "Target CPM" to reduce the cost.

2. Audience:

  • If you are running a Profile campaign:

    • Work towards optimizing the CTR on this activity.

    • Work with adding or removing profiles to further optimizing and finding your audience that converts.

  • If you are running a Reach campaign:

    • Add an activity focusing on profiles and see the above steps.

3. Work with the Conversion (CVR) optimizer for each bidding plan.

4. Work with formats

  • In Drill Down: "Remove" or set "CPM Override".
  • In Portfolios: Add and/or remove formats.

5. Work with sites

  • In Drill Down: "Remove" or set "CPM Override".
  • In Site Pools: Add and/or remove sites.

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