HTML5 material in Delta Ad Server

Below are the most frequent causes of HTML5 material not uploading correctly or working correctly in our Ad server or DSP.

When uploading to the Ad Server:

File will not upload

Error message: "No valid materials"

Here Sting isn't able to find something within the material, usually it can be misspelling and is often related to the manifest.json or filenames in within the ad folder.

  • Source --- For example if "index.html" is specified in the manifest, but the folder does not include index.html but for example: ad-160x600.html. Then the source must be ad-160x600.html for it to work as this is the file the Ad Server is looking for to serve the ad.
  • manifest.json --- Misspelled.
  • Filenames --- Filenames can not include " " (space, blankspace). This needs to be changed.

Error message: Long RED message box over creative side bar

This is in most cases a code error. And most commonly it is because of improper quotation marks in the manifest.json file. Which can happen if the file was created in a text editor that uses Rich Text Format (RTF), which then stylizes the straight mark: " to a curved mark: . If you look at the manifest.json in the Sublime Text Editor it will display red if there is an error with any " somewhere in the code.

When uploading to the DSP

Red cross on the creatives in the portfolio

  • ClickTAG related. Either clickTAG is not defined or it has been coded improperly in the HTML5 material. Can be if they have done a hard code (e.g. <a href="#">) instead of the proper way to define clickTag.

Last modified: Tue Aug 07 2018 15:35:08 GMT+0200 (CEST)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""